Vasily Goncharov

Vasily Mikhailovich Goncharov
(Василий Михайлович Гончаров)
Born 1861
Voronezh, Russian Empire
Died 23 August 1915
Moscow, Russian Empire
Occupation Film director, screenwriter
Years active 1908-1915

Vasily Mikhailovich Goncharov (Russian: Василий Михайлович Гончаров) (1861 – 23 August 1915) was a Russian film director and screenwriter, one of the pioneers of the film industry in the Russian Empire, who directed the first Russian feature film Defence of Sevastopol.


Russian Title Transliteration English Title Release Date Notes
Песнь про купца Калашникова Pesn' pro kuptsa Kalashnikova Song About the Merchant Kalashnikov 2 March 1909 lost
Русская свадьба XVI столетия Russkaya svadba XVI stoletiya A 16th Century Russian Wedding 25 April 1909
Преступление и наказание Prestuplenie i nakazanie Crime and Punishment May 1909 lost
Вий Viy Viy (Vii) 27 Sept 1909 lost
Ухарь-купец Ukhar'-kupyets The Happy-go-lucky Merchant 29 Sept 1909
Смерть Иоанна Грозного Smert Ioanna Groznovo The Death of Ivan the Terrible 6 October 1909
Мазепа Mazepa Mazeppa 27 October 1909
Чародейка Charodeyka The Sorceress 28 October 1909 with
Pyotr Chardynin
Ванька-ключник Vanka-klyuchnik Vanka the Steward 1 November 1909
Драма в Москве Drama v Moskve Drama in Moscow Never released lost
Пётр Великий Pyotr Velikiy Peter the Great 6 January 1910 with Kai Hansen
В полночь на кладбище V polnoch na kladbishe At Midnight in the Graveyard 30 Jan 1910 lost
Выбор царской невесты Vybor tsarskoj nevesty Choosing of the Tsar's Bride 9 March 1910 Filmed in 1908. Lost
Русалка Rusalka Rusalka 30 March 1910
Генерал Топтыгин General Toptygin General Bruin 15 May 1910
Коробейники Korobeyniki The Peddlers 30 August 1910
Жизнь и смерть Пушкина Zhizn i smert Pushkina Life and Death of Pushkin 3 September 1910
Наполеон в России Napoleon v Rossiya Napoleon in Russia
Евгений Онегин Evgeniy Onegin Eugene Onegin 1 March 1911
Оборона Севастополя Oborona Sevastopolya Defence of Sevastopol 9 September 1911
Жизнь за царя Zhizn za tsarya A Life for the Tsar
1812 год 1812 god 1812 25 August 1912 with Kai Hansen and Aleksandr Uralsky
Крестьянская доля Krestyanskaya dolya The Peasants' Lot 13 November 1912
Братья-разбойники Bratya-razboyniki The Robber Brothers
Воцарение дома Романовых Votsarenie doma Romanovyh Accession of the Romanov Dynasty 16 February 1913 with
Pyotr Chardynin
Хас Булат Khas Bulat Khas Bulat
Покорение Кавказа Pokorenie Kavkaza The Conquest of Caucasus lost
Волга и Сибирь Volga i Sibir Volga and Siberia

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